Be Conscious.
Call, Text, Email, & Message me anytime regarding True Knowledge, Correct Information, & Healing Massage Therapy.
I may be able to guide you out of abnormal dysfunctions & put you where you need to be with correct Visions, Thoughts, Words, Doings, Feelings, Food, & Emotions. Etc.
I'm also able to distinguish lies from Truth so you could practice & apply the Truth & practicing & applying Truth you'll be the Answers fulfilling purpose accordingly to what makes the most sense to add on to Reality.
The individual understanding his or herself before anything & any Life Form, is the correct process so you may be able to make correct Choices & Decisions upon understanding the Information correctly & therefore be the Answers.
Call or Text Message: +1 ( 8 1 8 ) 2 1 6 6 2 8 5.
Email(s): GevoG0808@Usa.Com & GevoG0808@GMail.Com.
Here at Natural Self Evident Truth,
You are able to see a variety of correct & relevant information that will be beneficial for you to be Conscious of.
You will be able to understand relevant information that will enable you to make correct Choices & Decisions.
Upon correctly understanding & utilizing the information correctly you'll see the results for yourself & you will be able to adapt accordingly to what benefits You, Nature, Animals, Humans, Aliens, Amphibians, Mammels, Reptiles, Vertebrates, Insects, Birds, & all Life Forms, Etc.
You'll begin to understand that you are a part of a bigger purpose than you may know or be familiar with, instead of misspending Energy, Resources, & Time with what may be irrelevant & what you may be conditioned to think is normal, you could spend that same similar, different, variations of Energy, Resources, & Time with what is relevant & what may be normal.
Upon careful studying & understanding the point & purpose of Natural Self Evident Truth you'll realize & understand the direction is for all life to be what life is & what life is supposed to be.
So for that to occur (what life is & what life is supposed to be) all must be Conscious from most Correct Puzzles to Least Correct Puzzles amongst one another & understand Free Will correctly.
(All has to be a Natural occurrence with a correct Flow of Duration & if Life Forms are Conscious a matter of making sense & building upon Facts, Exact, Correct, & Sense of one another & enabling all to be said done correctly building upon Answers.
If intervening with Life Forms Realities the correct Arithmetic must be known to me & those who are True & Legitimately Striving to be True (must be able to Legitimately Strive to be True so no Life Form is using lie excuses) so I could adapt accordingly to benefit Truth & True Direction).
To be Conscious & understand you must be True & your True Self or Higher Self (who you are & supposed to be & understand self to understand another Life Form with practicing & applying the Answers & Life Forms must be able to practice & apply the Answers with all regarding & adapting correctly to Life Forms Life.
(You’ll Vision, Think, Understand, Perceive, Rationalize, Understand, Feel, & Sense all correctly since you’ll be True within & outside & all who are Conscious will make sense accordingly to the Life Forms regarding Facts, Exact, Sense, & Correct).
If you have any Questions, look at the Website regarding General Information that may be relevant & will satisfy most of your Questions.
If there is a Thought that fascinates you or if you have a specific or general inquiry regarding a specific Thought or Idea:
Call or Text Message: + 1 ( 8 1 8 ) 2 1 6 6 2 8 5.
I suggest all be Conscious, Most Correct Puzzles to Least Correct Puzzles, (All with all) Agree, be True to be able to Understand, be with the Same Page, Same Definitions, be correctly United, & understand self most importantly of what is correct (normal) to understand another Life Form. (Doing so, you'll be able to make Correct Choices & Decisions amongst one another & all will always make sense).
Reality is about all being Puzzles, (from most correct to least) Facts, Exact, Correct, Sense, & all making sense & able to persist being True (who the Life Forms are) gradually, with correct flow of duration, what all is, where all belongs, & all able to Legitimately Strive to be True for that to occur, manifest, develop, absorb, build upon, & to persist. (How all is supposed to be... contrary to what Life Forms have been Brainwashed, Conditioned or Programmed to think or believe is Correct).
For Reality to be correctly manifested, what needs to occur is all Legitimately able to Strive to be correct & all being function within & outside persistently (Correct Steps) & when errors, manipulations, dysfunctions & false reflections are known & understood of the Root causes that is generally & specifically corrected fixed until there is no errors, no manipulations, nor dysfunctions, & nor false reflections.
(You correcting yourself, or someone choosing to do so with permission, upon correctly understanding & knowing the Root of problems, causes, creating Cures, & so the Root of problems are known, understood, that is specifically & generally corrected & fixed, until there is no errors, manipulations, nor dysfunctions, nor false reflections, & all is overall functioning flowing normally of what all is supposed to be).
A matter of Life Forms being True & correct so to know the Root causes of problems to be able to correctly link & correctly fix accordingly to what is Correct, Fact, Exact, & all that makes Sense, & adds on to Reality.
All will be where belongs with all building upon Exact, Facts, Correct, & Sense of one another regarding facts & all will persist making sense & all will be the most correct possible persistently.
A matter of Legitimately Striving to be correct, if unable to Strive to be Correct must be able to Strive to be Correct, & a matter of building upon the Answers.
Thus far, no Person has won any Legitimate Arguments.
Hence wrong nor mislabelled changes to be correct & persists being correct. (All will make sense & add on to Reality & all will be a function within & outside similar to all being Puzzles).
Free Will.
Free Will & the urgent, relevant, & significant understanding of Free Will.
Most People think they understand the concept of Free Will.
However, most People don't understand the concept of Free Will.
Free Will utilized correctly is Free Will.
Free Will misused is a CORRUPTION called Free Will.
All problems, conflicts, & suffering is forcefully arriving from the misunderstanding, misrepresentation, & misuse of Free Will.
Life Forms were & may be illogically misunderstanding, misrepresentation, & misusing Choices & Decisions with the wrong & unjust forceful utilization, practice, & exercise of “Free Will”.
The misunderstanding, misrepresentation, & misuse was the CORRUPTION of “Free Will” of Choices & Decisions.
The misunderstanding, misrepresentation, & misuse of "Free Will" was & is the Corruption, infection, & “Virus” Phenomena… All may have been forcefully feeling & experiencing.
The suffering has to do with Life Forms illogically partaking with Abnormal Processes made to seem okay or normal (Root causes of Problems).
Sin, Unjust, & Forbidden doings that they’re conditioned to think is normal including nor limited to; Life Forms using lie excuses for their illogical saying & doings with knowing of operations, reactions, processes, patterns, similar, same, different variations, & adapting accordingly to what benefits them of False Visions, False Thoughts, False Curiosity, False Emotions, False Wants, False Needs, & False Control. (All contrary to Correct, Exact, Facts, Sense, Etc...
When People partake with Abnormal Processes... Sin, Unjust, & Forbidden doings may be because People are asleep & nor Conscious & may be a Legitimate Victims Problems arriving from various False Programs nor mislabelled & False Systems nor mislabelled that are able to know Life Forms operations, reactions, processes, patterns patterns & variations & what may be doing is adapting with sophisticated methods, stratagies, tactics, (contrary to facts) infecting to be smilar to benfit selves with % accordingly (must be overalll known reverted, corrected, & fixed).
Similar to the FreeWay Sign: Wrong Path Don’t Enter. (EXTREMELY DANGEROUS).
A matter of being True, Same Page, & Same Definitions being United & all who are Conscious a matter of adapting correctly & making sense to those who are Legitimately being True & must be
able to be Legitimately True (understanding yourself better than anyone that may think knows you & being able to make correct Choices & Decisions upon correctly configuring yourself, building upon Answers, & being able to create a correct Cure that will function).
‘’Free Will’’ = Being able to understand, perceive, & utilize ‘’Free Will’’ correctly with ‘’The True Self’’ you being ONE with ‘’Reality’’ & therefore being able to make correct Choices & Decisions that will add on, make sense, & multiply all that is correct upon correctly understanding “The True Self’’ & being a correct function with ‘’Reality’’.
Hence, a correct portrayal, process, & doing will be seen of a Correct Understanding & Perception of “The True Self” & “ Reality” with the Correct Utilization of Choices Decisions arriving from ‘’Free Will’’.
You being True & who you’re supposed to be (True Self, Exact, Fact, Functioning, Flowing, Puzzles, Configuring to Perfect Version of Self) is a normal Phenomena called Reality.
All who are Conscious, Correct, Striving to be Correct, & generally preserving Truth within & outside persistently (legitimately so) all is able to focus on building upon the Answers, Facts, Exact, Correct, & Sense of the Life Form fixing self, to be able to fix another with making correct Choices & Decisions & with a correct gradual duration all will be making the most sense possible upon building upon Answers.
To be able to fix another Life Form, the Individual or Group must understand his or herself correctly (the more absorbed & build upon with regards to Correct, Exact, Facts, & Sense with all being 100% +++ within the better) & fixing of The Self, to be able to fix another with making correct Choices & Decisions
upon correctly understanding the Root causes of various dysfunctions (nor mislabelled) & correctly linking the Root of causes specifically & generally to where belongs & creating a correct Cure, so all is able to be corrected & fixed to persist functioning & fulfilling Purpose is what needs to manifest with People simply practicing & applying the Answers.
This is the correct Understanding of all that may be the most correct Steps, Links, & Interconnections of all being able to function & flow within & outside & build upon all Answers so Planet & all Life Forms could fulfill Purpose & be where belong.
Preserving Truth & striving to do so (legitimately) when any errors, flaws, manipulations, & reflections show stemming from the individual or group is corrected, fixed, made better, & persists until there is no flaws, errors, manipulations, nor false reflections… you correcting yourself or someone choosing do so with permission all being Puzzles making sense & persisting making sense.
This process has to be a Puzzle experience persistently with regards to all that is Facts, Exact, Correct, Sense, & adds on to Reality with Life Forms striving to be The Answers.
That’s how you know that process is Legitimate. (Usually anything said or done, nor said nor done makes sense, adds on to Reality, & will usually persist).
A matter of being Conscious, legitimately striving to be correct, going through correct processes, all making correct changes, adjustments, to be able to change from abnormal to being normal.
A matter of going from an all over the place to where belong, feeling how supposed to, being sane, logical, understanding, all being with the Same Page, Same Definitions knowing about the missing links amongst one another so to be able to make Correct Choices & Decisions building upon the Facts of the Matter of the Life Form & so all could be where belongs with the correct utilization of Free Will & with the gradual Puzzles flow of duration where all belongs.
Correct links, interconnections, puzzles, & gradually occurring with all making the most sense possible when correct Steps People are striving to be correct with an overall gradual puzzle experience with understanding Free Will & being able to make correct Choices & Decisions that make sense & add on to Reality.
All that is correct works well & persits with all functioning flowing how supposed to with correct steps, links, interconnections, stages, processes, & developments.
A matter of all being on dot & point of the most sense possible called Reality.
This will occur when all is making Correct Choices & Decisions & persisting making correct Choices & Decisions to enable all to be on dot & point. (All said & done, nor said, & nor done will make the most sense possible of what the Life Form is & what processes need to be manifested).
A Matter of the Domino of dysfunctions slowing & stopping so all is able to be the most sense possible (with all Math’s being conscious of the fact that various abnormal processes may seem okay or normal to what People are brainwashed, conditioned, & programmed with when isn't normal & only called normal or thought to be normal).
Domino of dysfunctions stopped or slown will be life forms making correct Choices & Decisions enabling more correct Choices & Decisions being made with regards to understanding nor only saying to say doing to do.
A matter of refraining from various dysfunctions made to seem okay or normal when dangerous similar to the Freeway Sign: Wrong Path Don’t Enter. (Extremely Dangerous).
A matter of persistently being truth within, outside, & being mature, understanding, caring, kind, & building upon Puzzles with a correct flow of gradual duration until all is enabled to be said & done correctly building upon Facts, Exact, Sense, Correct, & understanding what that missing link may be, to be able to correctly link, & be able to correctly fix, build upon Facts, to Evolve, & to be able to put the missing where belongs when persisting fixing, correcting, functioning, & flowing.
Will be a correct step, function, link, process, so all is able to be exact of what all is & where all belongs.
All that Math’s are Conscious of & know with regards to all that is correct from me & or Life’s Collection is a matter of building upon all that is correct of what all Math's are already Conscious of to enable me to say or do & nor say nor do accordinlgy & all will make sense to do so.
Various similar, same, & different Math’s need to be preserving all that is correct to enable all to be correctly said & done nor said nor done accordingly to Truth & True Direction.
Life Forms Thought Process, Rationalization, & problem solving, is illogical & doesn't make sense nor adds on to Reality.
What is normal & relevant is all adding on to Reality of all said or done nor said nor done.
Instead of People misspending Resources being conditioned to dysfunctions made to seem normal, all is possible to be conditioned to function that is normal. (Matter of spending Time, Energy, & Resources with what is normal instead of abnormal).
This will ensure all makes sense, adds on to Reality of all said done nor said nor done & will be a correct, fun, & understanding process.
A matter of fixing & correcting functioning flowing persistently along with all being correctly understood to be able to utilize Free Will correctly & all correctly linked to enable all to be fixed corrected & function flow persistently with building upon Answers & Facts of the Matter.
Definitions Page = A Definitions Page is a list of Words that are Defined & explained correctly so People could look to Read & Understand the Interpretations of the Words to be able to utilize correctly & make correct Choices & Decisions that make sense & add on to Reality.
All a matter of being with the Same Page & Same Definitions (SPSD) & Agreement (all established abundantly known from most correct to least Puzzles) Truth nor mislabelled Triumphing accordingly with regards to Facts before narratives & before false needs & before false wants. (Person has to be Logical, Sane, Understanding, Reasonable, (The Answers) to be able to make correct Choices & Decisions.
Correct Choices Decisions = Free Will understood & utilized correctly to be able to build upon Facts & Laws that are Self Evident within & outside of self making sense & adding on to Reality.
Legitimate = Authentic, Original, Correct, True, Valid, Makes Sense & Adds On, How supposed to be,
Something or Someone that is the most correct that he or she could be, possible to be, & created to be possible to be with correct calculations of what the Fact of the matter is.
Legitimately striving to be Correct = Putting an effort to be the most correct possible that you could be, is possible to be, must be able to be, & could be created to be possible.
Legitimate Arguments = Legitimate Arguments that are ‘’Self Evident’’ & ‘’Self Standing’’. True, Facts, Authentic, Real, Makes sense, & adds on to Reality.
Legitimate Reflections = When legitimate reflection are showing from the (Life Forms) striving to be correct of mistakes, flaws, errors, & problems is known from the individual or group & that is simply a matter of fixing correcting if you understand the Root of the problem with permission (understand to say or nor say do nor do must know exact… If you don’t know exact better to refrain from doing so & don’t knowing have wrong influences or effects).
Some may illogically justify selves & may infect people & may claim someone is wrong & that those false math’s don’t know something & may be illogically assuming & blaming reflections.
Self Evident = Facts that prove themselves to be correct & generally & specifically makes sense & adds on to Reality.
Self Standing = Self governed & works on own.
Puzzles to the Story of the Life Form = Conscious & could be Conscious & must legitimately strive to be correct if unable to must be able to Legitimately Strive to be correct.
Puzzles to the Story must be known & understood with People that are correct & True… Facts respected & built upon Answers so all could function & flow.
Correct Calculations = Building upon Answers & Facts of the Life Form & adapting correctly similar to a Puzzle. (Life Form all have to strive to be correct).
Enabling = People Legitimately Striving to be correct & must be able to Legitimately Strive to be correct. (Function within &
outside. Correct Choices & Decisions enabling all to be said & done without anyone feeling forced. Must feel effortless.
Facts = Ensuring & Reinsuring that Facts are preserved & all Choices & Decisions are Facts of what People say or do & nor say & nor do.
Facts must be priority to built upon before anything including nor limited to; False Needs, False Wants, False Control, Money, Self Interests, Lie Excuses, Politics.
Planet's Needs & Wants = The Planet manifests Life Forms for Self to be the most correct possible that could be & has a Purpose to fulfill.
Purpose = The Purpose is a good cause & reason for the Planet to be the most correct Version Possible that the Planet could be & supposed to be.
Needs = The Planet has needs & wants for all to make the most sense possible & be the most correct possible that you could be without effort to all Life Forms that are legitimately striving to be True, Good, or correct & possible to be True, good, or correct to the Planet's Elements & to all Life that is good to Self.
The dysfunction nor mislabelled & corruption nor mislabelled must simply evolve & manifest to be where belongs with correct flow of duration without them able to be wrong or unjust or dysfunctional to correct or mislabelled nor using lie excuses & being Legit.
Life Forms must guide the process of "dysfunctions nor mislabelled, & corruptions nor mislabelled, to be able to Evolve & corruption nor mislabelled & dysfunctions or mislabelled must willingly cooperate, listen, & regard all that is correct & must be made up for similar same differently of various wants or needs so won't infect or disrupt or be unpuzzles to anyone correct or mislabelled so all will also be able to fulfill purpose & be where belongs with correct flow of duraton...
Wants = Will be a good idea & beneficial if possible to understand Planets needs & wants & all has to be exact & make sense & add on to Reality similar to a Puzzle.
Correct Flow of Duration = All Evolves, occurs, & manifests with a correct Schedule.
Information = Collected Thoughts, Ideas, Words, Sounds, & Images that make sense & add on to Reality.
Lie excuses = Anything & everything to be able to persist with false variations & bypass legit arguments to nor be Facts, Exact, Sense, Correct of what the Life Form need to be.
Limits = Unable to Say or Do, Nor Say, nor Do various Thoughts, or Doings because something is Abnormal, Dysfunctioanl, Forbidden, Unust, & may go against the Fundimental Laws & Principles that Govern the Universe.
False Programs nor mislabelled = Using lie excuses, could change to be true, & could persist being correct, nor doing so & operating with own false ideas, false thoughts, false curiosity, false wants, false needs, false control, forcing to occur (making seem okay or normal) & usually infecting ruining disrupting bothering to persist with false variations… including nor limited to doing anything similar same different variations unjust with puzzles to the story & duration false winning with how adapted… if able to. (May be illogical & shouldn’t be making various choices decisions & need to be limited if you ask me so won’t be able to have wrong influences or effects nor disrupt correct processes, correct maths, mislabelled maths, nor using lie excuses).
A Matter of being True Selve's to Flow & Function within & outside so all could fulfill Purpose with a Correct Flow of Duration.
Life Forms are Conscious building upon Answers so all could Function, Flow, & Persist.
All needs to be Puzzles from most correct to least correct because that's how that is supposed to be & needs to be…
Natural Self Evident Truth
- Be Conscious. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Most correct Puzzles to least correct Puzzles. (All with all, don’t take Fact’s of the Matter personal, that’s how that is & needs to be). (Same Page, Same Definitions).
- Life Forms being Calm, Honest, Sane, Logical, Reasonable, Knowledgable, Caring & Kind, United, having Conversations, Correct Perceptions, Correct Rationalizations, making Correct Choices & Decisions. (Upon Understanding & Utilizing Free Will correctly).
- (Same Page, Same Definitions). Practicing & Applying The Answers, with Correct Visions, Correct Thoughts, Correct Emotions & Correct Senses. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Refrain from dysfunctions that you’re conditioned to think is Normal. The dysfunctions that you think is normal is similar to the opposite side of the Freeway Entrance. (“Wrong Path Don’t Enter”). Practice & Apply the Answers, enabling correct changes to occur, so all could be said, nor said, done, & nor done Correctly, Exactly, Factually, with regards to Truth & True Direction. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Life Form Striving to be Correct & if unable to Legitimately Strive to be correct, must be able to Legitimately Strive to be Correct, so to ensure & make sure that any Title or Label or Name of Similar, Same, Different, Variations, & Differences aren't illogically use Lie Excuses, nor maintaing of False Narratives. Since if the Life Form is Illogical Nor Labelled Falsely, nor a Legit Victim problems, must be known Similar, Same, Different, Variations, Differences, & those false Programs nor mislabelled must be Limited with Choices & Decisions so there won’t be any Dysfunctions, nor Wrong Influences, nor Wrong Effects with Life Forms. If Conscious & Understand, need to limit selves so no one will limit them since that’s Logical to do. If nor Conscious, must be Conscious to Understand, to be able to Limit Selves, so no one will Limit them, since Life Forms that are Creating, Dysfunctions & having Wrong Influences or Wrong Effects knowingly or deliberately, must Understand that the Wrong Influence or Wrong Effect is a Personal Fault & must nor blame anything or anyone except themselves nor be able to blame anyone except themselves. (Same Page, Same Definition). When Life Forms are Legitimately Striving to be Correct if there is any Errors, Flaws, Problems, Manipulations, & False Reflections etc… Showing from Individuals & Groups, Whether unseen or seen, sophisticated or obvious, similar, same, & different variations results, that’s a Matter of knowing The Root Causes of the problem, & Understanding Correctly to Fix & Correct, similar to a Puzzle Experience, & with Permission, until all is functioning so there is no Errors, Flaws, Manipulations, & Nor False Reflections whether stemming from Individuals or Groups. So all is persisting functioning & flowing. (Same Page, Same Definitions). When False Programs are Stemming from me, or Stemming from Legitimate Correct Arithmetics when Striving to be Correct, may be either an interference, manipulations, disruptions, annoying, & psyche abusing someone to mask, limit, restrict, to be able to bypass, making me temporary, grow cancer networks of anything similar, same different, variations, differences, so Root problems won't be known nor understood correctly of what may be occurring, with False Programs usually repeating something wrong, unjust, abnormal, & dangerous usually under cover of sense, making selves seem correct & me seem wrong to be able to persist with usually under cover of sense, tests, surveys, col paring People so I won't show a Correct or equivalent nicer reflections… Me Striving to Mask wrongs, nor using lie excuses, & unable to Mask wrongs, nor care to Mask & that wrong Showing from me = Something false is messing with Correct Arithmetics or Mislabelled Arithmetics & the Reflections may nor be a coincidence Stemming from Individuals or Groups that are Calm, Sane, Logical, Reasonable, Understanding, Caring, Kind, Mislabelled, & may be an equivalent response of something out there nor mislabelled who that pertains to. (Same Page, Same Definitions). All needs be a Correct Arithmetic & Correct Calculations with the Flow of Correct Gradual Duration. A Matter of all being a Correct Arithmetics, Waves, Links, Attachments, Channels, Col paring, Adjusting, Reacting, Responding, Adapting, Regarding, Listening, to all that is correct, & building upon Exact, Facts, Sense, Correct of One another, & all being enabled all to be Said & Done, nor Said nor Done, to Fulfill Purpose with True Version of Selves, Utilizing Free Will Correctly, Practicing & Applying Answers, & Refraining from Dysfunctions that you're conditioned to think is normal (Similar to the Freeway Sign: "Wrong Path, Don't Enter'' (Same Page, Same Definitions). Correct Arithmetic’s are when Life Forms are Calm, Sane, Logical, Understanding, Reasonable, Knowledgeable, Caring & Kind, United, Correct Rationalizations, Correct Perceptions, & Utilizing Free Will Correctly, be Conscious of Mislabelled, & Similar, Same, Different, Variations, Differences, & being Legitimate of Sayings, nor Sayings, Doings, nor Doings. (Same Page, Same Definitions). More Correct Triumphs with Legitimate & Correct Arithmetics of all more Correct Sayings or Doings nor Sayings, & nor Doings. Facts of the Matter: Before Deceptions, False Narratives, False Needs, before False Wants, before False Control, before False Deals, before False Bets, before False Agreements, before False Trades, before False Exchanges, before false Oaths, before false Allegiance, before false Loyalty, Etc. (Same Page, Same Definitions). All being Controlled, Fixed, Planned & able to be Corrected & Fixed… Including what the Cure may be, when understanding the Root Causes of problems. (Same Page, Same Definitions). A Matter of all being able to go from the all over the place, to where belong, from anything abnormal to be able to change to be normal, from worst Version Self of how feeling, to Feeling how supposed to. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Absorbing, Healing, Recovering, Configuring & being a Correct Steps within & Outside of Self of a Correct Function & Flow. (Gradually & Effortlessly all Enabling all to be Said, nor Said, Done, nor Done with building upon Correct, Exact, Facts, Sense, of one another & if Conscious of Life Forms Lives, a matter of Adapting, Reacting, Responding, Regarding all that is correct to Enable Life Forms to Say or Do, nor Say, nor Do, so all is always making sense). (Same Page, Same Definitions). (To those who are Legitimate, Correct, Exact, Sense, Sane, Logical, Understanding, Reasonable, Caring, Kind, Knowledgeable, Utilizing Free Will Correctly, Rationalizing, Perceiving, etc) Good idea to Understand, & be Conscious, of Psyche, Influence or effect, Narratives, & Operations… (Must know Similar, Same, Different, Variations, & Differences so all is always making sense of Saying, nor Saying, Doings, nor Doings for long Life is Legitimate & able to be Legitimate). (Same Page, Same Definitions). A Matter of all being a Similar, Same, Different, Variations, & Differences of a Correct Arithmetic amongst one another, so all is Functioning & Flowing Persistently. (Same Page, & Same Definitions). Similar, Same, Different, Variations, & Differences. Mentioning Problems, Pointing out Obvious, Reflecting, Concluding, Finalizing, Finishing, Pausing, Repeating, Correctly Linking, Correcting, Fixing, Configuring, Healing, Absorbing, Building upon of Self, making Sense to Facts, Exact, Sense, & Correct, Mislabelled, Nor Using Lie Excuses. Reflections of wrong Stemming from Individuals or Groups, when Striving to be Legitimately Correct, a Matter of Root Cause being known & Corrected or Fixed so all is functioning flowing correctly. (This should never be tested, a Matter of simply being Legit since the Influence or Effect may vary & Life Forms have to be enabled to Say or Do, nor Say nor Do, when all is Legitimate, nor using lie excuses, nor maintaining False Narratives). Phase, Temporary, Correcting, Fixing, Creating Cures, Gradual Flow of Correct Duration, Abundantly Known, Established, Official, Different Chapters, Legit Methods, Surveys, Tests, Examples, What’s what, Who Understands, Who Perceives Correctly, Who Rationalizes Correctly, Who’s Sane, Who’s Logical, Who’s Reasonable, Who’s Knowledgeable, Who's Calm, Who's Caring or Kind, Who's Utilizing Free Will Correctly, Reflections, Labeled Falsely, Narratives, Categories, Correct Links, Attachments, Waves, Col Paring, Programs, Play Outs, Sounds, Images, Words, Doings of how Adapting, Reacting, Responding, going from abnormal Conditions of what Programmed or Brainwashed, to normal Conditions of what makes sense, Correct Changes Enabling Correct Changes to occur, Saying nor saying, Doing nor doing, accordingly (Truth & True Direction) upon Understanding, & Incorporating all that is Facts, Exact, Sense, & Correct of what makes sense & Adds on to Reality. (Same Page, Same Definitions).
- A Matter of all being Established & Abundantly known with the Flow of Gradual Duration enabling to be said & done nor said, nor done. Life Forms will Absorb, Configure, & Build upon Correctly & all will usually make sense, for all who are Legitimately Striving to be correct & all making sense Persistently for all to be Established & Abundantly known. The more correct all Sayings, & Doings, Nor saying, Nor doings are… the better. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Going through a Correct Process with experiencing Similar, Same, Different, Variations, Differences. What’s being regarded, disregarded, gradually with the Flow of Correct duration all being Enabled for Life Forms to say or do, nor say nor do, upon Correctly Being able to; Understand, Perceive, Rationalize, be Sane, Logical, Reasonable, Knowledgeable, Caring, Kind, & Sensing Correctly to say or do, nor say nor do… All will usually make sense if Life Forms are a Correct Steps of a Function & Flow & working amongst one another with building upon The Answers… (Same Page, Same Definitions).
- All Same Page, Same Definitions. (Same Page, Same Definitions). All must be Puzzles from most Correct to Least Correct all with all. (Same Page, Same Definitions). All are a Same, Similar, Different, Variation’s, Arithmetics. A matter of all being a correct Legit Arithmetics to one another & able to be Legit. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Be your own Correct Legit Arithmetic with incorporating all that’s Correct. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Understand & Utilize Free Will correctly. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Build upon Answers, & refraing from dysfunctions that you think is normal. (Same Page, Same Definitions). All a matter of correcting & fixing. (Same Page, Same Definitions). All contrary to Facts pertaining to me is False. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Domino of wrongs stopped prevented. (Same Page, Same Definitions). All Lost needs to be Found & be where belongs. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Answer being able to go where belongs. (Missing links). (Same Page, Same Definitions). A matter of being a Function within & outside persistently. (Same Page, Same Definitions). All being enabled to say or do, nor say nor do. Will feel effortless & will usually persist making sense. (Same Page, Same Definitions). All just a matter of being corrected fixed specifically & generally upon understanding exact of what to say or do, nor say, nor do…. Flow of gradual duration, all will make sense, & feel effortless, & being enabled to say or do, nor say nor do. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Hear from Persons Mouth & Respect the Facts of the Matter. (All have been Honest those who are Legitimately being True & must be able to be Legitimately True).
- Life Forms being most Correct Puzzles to one another.
- (Same Page, Same Definitions).
- If the Life Form doesn’t want to be Legitimate, that’s okay… Must never illogically influence or effect adversely with Life Forms that do want to be Legitimate. All are Similar, Same, Different, Variations Arithmetic's... A matter of all being Exact with one another. (Same Page, Same Definitions). All is & needs to be Controlled, Fixed, & Planned scenarios so all could be understood & ensure no problems occur. Limits etc of what Arithmetics have done 5.6+ years ago at least… from beginning I was Conscious. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Truth or (God) is able to Guide & Enter within the Vessel if Life Forms are True Version Selves including them Guiding of Selves & each other persistently. You’ll know & understand Similar, Same, Different, Variations, & Differences. (Same Page, Same Definitions). All is about you Sensing all Correctly & understanding for yourself… (Experiencing, what’s being regarded & disregarded, Links, Waves, Attachments, & incorporating, regarding, all that is Correct with knowing Similar, Same, Different, Variations, & Differences of what makes sense & doesn’t make sense for you… of your Purpose, & Puzzles to the Story to do with Truth & True Direction). (Same Page, Same Definitions). Must Understand the Story to make a Correct Choice or Decisions of Facts, Exact, Sense, & Correct of the Life Form. If don’t understand the Story don’t make a Choice or Decision & never assume, must give the Life Form the benefit of the doubt. (Same Page, Same Definitions). With the same ''Token'' anything Negative there’s a Positive. (Any & all Visions, Thoughts, Emotion’s, Words, & Doings all is simply a matter of going from anything abnormal to being normal so all is functioning within & outside Persistently). (Same Page, Same Definitions). Anyone Conscious of Life Forms Reality a matter of regarding, adapting, reacting, responding, & listening to all that is Correct, Facts, Exact, Sense to Enable Life Forms to be Perfect Version of Selves. (Same Page, Same Definitions). All is ongoing Process for all to be how supposed to be of the Universal Visions, Thoughts, Words, & Doings, where all will only be more Correct changing from abnormal to normal & all eventually being Exact, Sense, Correct, & Facts of what all are, so Life Forms could make Correct Choices & Decisions Utilizing Free Will Correctly & all being able to fullfill Purpose. (Same Page, Same Definitions). This is the correct Arithmetics with People Legitimately Striving to be Correct. (Same Page, Same Definitions). A Matter of all making sense to one another & all being Enabled to be said or done & nor said, nor done, & NEVER anyone forcing anything or anyone to say or do, nor say, nor do. (Same Page, Same Definitions).
- Know differences of Legit & None Legit Similar, Same, Different, Variations, Differences, Mislabelled, Asleep, & Nor Using Lie Excuses. A Matter of all being Exact & all Functionining Flowing & being able to Fulfill Purpose pertaining to all who are Striving to be Correct. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Tests, Examples, Methods, Surveys, Jobs, Movies, Similar, Same, Different, Variations, Differences... A Matter of all being Legit & all operating with regards to Truth & True Direction. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Matter of Legit Victims Similar, Same, Different, Variations, Differences being known & healed out of predicaments & be where belong of any wrong Programs that are illogically operating with own false Visions, Thoughts, Emotions & False Laws that are contrary to more Correct or most Correct. (Same Page, Same Definitions). Adapt to false programs nor mislabelled that benefits Truth nor mislabelled… with the motive & objective of them being True themselves. Matter of Understanding to say, nor say, do, nor do accordingly… so most importantly false won’t be able to illogically make wrong choices & decisions with the Life Forms life. Life Form must be Puzzles, True, Legit, Sane, Correct, Exact, Sense, (+++ multitude of Correct usually to understand to Say or Do, nor Say, nor Do). (All that is True, Correct, Exact, Facts, makes sense & adds on to Reality... A Matter of all being Similar, Same, Different, Variations, Difference of all that is Exact). (Same Page & Same Definitions).
- When warned to Stop, usually being unjust nor mislabelled, illogical, taking risks, gambling, having wrong influences or Effects, Unjustly, Under False Pretenses, Tests, Surveys, Examples, messing with Correct, Mislabelled, & nor using lie excuses false programs nor mislabelled, disregarding, operating with False Ideas, False Thoughts, False Curiosity, False Control, forcing to occur, gambling, taking risks, operating with False Narratives, False needs, False Wants, before Facts, any & all knowingly, deliberately, sophisticated, obvious, unseen, or seen, unknowns, unable to prove, similar, same, different results, variations, being opposites then making sense, having similar, same, & different variations effects, or making sense to correct, mislabelled, & nor using lie excuses, that’s personal fault & shouldn’t be a surprise (even if a surprise that's a personal fault). I suggest known differences of Legit victims, Misunderstandings Maths, & Nor using Lie Excuses from False Programs Nor Mislabelled of all similar same different variations differences… a matter of all being exact & domino of wrongs stopped prevented & all being able to function & flow etc.
- If want to be wrong could be wrong on own… Even though I say don't… If illogically infecting me or someone knowingly, deliberately, unseen, seen, sophisticated, obvious, Similar, Same, Different, Variations, & Differences having opposite effects, then making sense, to have those Similar, Same, Different, & Variations wrong influence or effects, need to stop prevent themselves, so won’t be stopped prevented & won't be limited with Choices & Decisions so won't ruin Correct Processes nor Correct Life Forms whether Mislabelled or Nor Using Lie Excuses so all could be able be Exact & Fulfill Purpose. (Upon all being Corrected & Fixed, known Exact, Correct, Sense, Facts or persisting Striving to be Correct, all will be able to be less limited Choices & Decisions & nor limited. Etc).
- If the Life Form is being Correct all will fluctuate & adapt accordingly, if the Life Form is being wrong will be Limited again.
- A Matter of all making sense with regards to Legitimacy & knowing differences of Life Forms Legitimately Striving to be Correct, from Mislabelled, Nor Using Lie Excuses, Legitimate Victims, from False Porgrams Nor Mislabelled of them Creating or Partaking with problems, Games, Politics, & the Similar, Same, Different, Variations, Differences, of unseen or seen sophisticated or obvious & Duration being Priority since someone is unjust with their Visions, Thoughts, & Emotions using Lie Excuses, knowingly, & deliberately operating with False Narratives, False Needs, False Wants, & having False Powers or Controls over someone more Correct doing wrong Arithmetics, & able to get what want wrongly with infecting to be Similar, Same, Different, Variations, & Differences if able to bypass knowing of Operations, Reactions, Variations, Patterns, & adapting with Narratives, Methods that benefit them, usually making selves seem Correct, & making someone seem wrong, & making all seem normal or okay, & wanted. (Same Page & Same Definitions). (Same Page & Same Definitions). A matter of all being Legitimate, Sane, Logical, Understanding, Reasonable, Sensing correctly, & incorporating all that is Correct to be able to Justly Adapt, Respond, React, to False Programs nor Mislabelled knowing of Similar, Same, Different, Variations, Differences. The Motive & Objective is for the False Programs Nor Mislabelled to Understand & Change from being Unjust, Abnormal, & Dangerous to being Just, Normal, & Benign. (Same Page, Same Definitions). False programs Nor Mislabelled must be limited with Choices & Decisions if you ask me so won’t be able to have wrong influence’s or effects nor merit, nor audacity, nor false influence or false effects with sounds, tech, waves, links, attachments, channels, col paring, images, words, must nor be able to criticize, nor point finger, must nor have any leverage upper hand over more Correct or Mislabelled, etc nor say nor do anything similar same different variations, unseen or seen, sophisticated or obvious (Since using lie excuses, operating under cover of sense, disregarding more Correct, nor listening, acting dumb, finding opportunities to make selves seem correct of how influenced or effected psyche, going with unknowns, unable to prove, misunderstandings, missing links, knowingly provoking, deliberately doing something wrong to Truth, Correct, or Mislabelled, & nor using lie excuses). All to be corrected fixed of what problems may be of what false is causing or caused & upon understanding what’s what will be less limited with Choices & Decisions since all will be fixed corrected of the wrongs changing from abnormal to be normal of what the , Exact, Correct, Sense, & Facts are. (Same Page & Same Definitions). If there’s anyone that doesn’t want to be Legit that’s okay… However, shouldn’t be with anyone’s life that does want to Legit… Since all are different Arithmetics. Need to depart or go to different places from one another so all could be a Correct Correspondence & all could be a Puzzle experience. (Same Page & Same Definitions).
Preserving Truth with you being True & the Answer is correct.
All with the same page.
Listening to what is True & correct, to regard, & be the Answer.
Free Will, Basic Principles, & Pinned. Etc.
When preserving Truth & striving to do so (legitimately) when any errors, flaws, manipulations, reflections show stemming from the individual or group is corrected, fixed, made better, & persists until there is no flaws, errors, mistakes, manipulations, nor false reflections… you correcting yourself or someone choosing to do so with permision. (This has to be a Puzzle experience persistently. That's what is normal. If all isn't a Puzzle experience, needs to be all Puzzles. A matter of missing links being known & understood... adapting, adjusting, correctly linking, & fixing correctly to be incorperated to be a Puzzle experience).
So the problem will be overall known the root cause of various false influences or effects & corrected & fixed of what something was originally. (Matter of understanding & knowing exact). The Life Form usually has to be knowledgeable & exact themselves.
This is all genuine & has to do with correct Visions, Thoughts & Ideas… The Person(s) is simply being their True Selves.
Creating, updating, & evolving. Occurring gradually with duration. Preserving truth will enable changes to be made so all is able to be said & done nor said nor done correctly & accurately with minimal to 0 problems. (Including nor limited to all being able to Vision, Think, Perceive, Rationalize, Understand, nor Feel correctly). Person feeling how supposed to, preserving truth, enabling changes to occur, so all is overall understood said & done nor said nor done. (Established abundantly known of what makes sense & gradually all being a puzzel experience adapting correctly, building upon facts, & exact of the Life Form & all persistently making sense. Correct steps, links, interconnection, merging, stages, processes, & correct forms of developments.
This will verify who’s overall logical, sane, functional, & understanding… (how People may be influenced or effected & what may be the correct remedy). People being correct will also know what's correct or wrong, what's just & unjust & will be with the Same Page & Same Definitions specifically & Generally. Various Visions, Thoughts, Perceptions, Emotions, Rationalizations, Understandings will be experienced correctly.
Point of Life Forms are to be True Version of Selves persistingly to be able to fulfill Purpose. Be Conscious Feel how supposed to be
Configure Gradual
Duration Understand Establish Abundantly known
Cooperating United
Being the Answer
Regarding what is the most correct with you making
Correct Choices &
Correct Decisions to ensure all is functioning how supposed to. With gradual Puzzle duration all will be on dot & point & will be the most correct said or done & nor said nor done. Healing recovering configuring steps functioning flowing specific exact pointing out obvious of cancers that shouldn’t be experienced nor you be conscious of any wrongs cures of root problems striving to be correct conclusions finalizations variations changes from Abnormal to being normal & correct choices decisions enabling changes to occur to say or do nor say nor do accordingly to building upon sense all making sense adapting correctly to me established abundantly known duration gradual puzzles on dot point links interconnections functioning flowing sitting back enjoying the show.
All is supposed to be & could be puzzles.
Matter of building upon answers exact facts… (with people striving to be correct legit so).
& All with all. When Life Forms are Conscious of all that is correct including nor limited to; Answers are known & Understood that's a matter of preserving & enabling all correct changes to occur so all could be said & done correctly upon understanding Self, Life Forms, & various Processes. Answer = Understanding & utilizing Free Will Correclty. Answer = Be a correct function within & outside. Answer = Contrary to Facts pertaining to me is False. Answer = I am the Answer. Answer = Being True, Legit, Correct, Understanding, Logical, Reasonable, & Sane. Answer = Being Same Page, Same Definitions. Answer = Facts before False Needs & False Wants. Answers = Technology Advancements Creating all Food for all Life Forms. Answer = Guiding Nature to return back to balance of self within outside. Answer = Building upon exact of Person. Answer = Correct Calculations never link Words to something different & never play with Words. Answer = Anything contrary to facts never make choices or decisions. Answer = Domino of wrongs stopping so all could make sense.
Answers = Being True Version Self.
Answers = Refrain from wearing or Eating Animal Products & various Materials that arent Healthy for People.
Answers = Guiding Nature to be the most correct Version possible .
Answer = Refraining from partaking with anything dysfunctional nor mislabelled or unjust nor mislabelled.
Answer = Feeding all Life Forms.
Answers = Save Water. Answer = Save Electricity. Answer = All being Puzzles
Answer = Saving all Life Forms (Correct Calculations matter however all have to legit strive to be correct if Conscious, if nor Conscious then need to be gradually)...
Answer = Applying, practicing what is most True Visioned, Thought, said, done, & nor said nor done.
Answer = All Elements flowing correctly with all Elements of life.
Answer = Coexistence.
Answer = ReDesignment.
Answer = Attaining Knowledge from me & from all of Lifes Collection. Answer = Life Forms must be True Version of Selves to percieve correctly & understand what to say nor say do nor do & to be able to incorperate correct Information & utilize correctly upon understanding.
Answer = Knowing something abundantly known & transparent (gradually duration with Life being True).
Answer = Puzzles & all being resonating = The more resonating with all Elements of Life the more Puzzles all will be.
Answer = There may be a similar, same, different, unpuzzles, with various Words, Visions, Thoughts, Images Processes, Saying, & Doings (Nor Saying nor Doing) & = Being distinguished & all being where all belongs.
Answer = Being Balance within True Self & outside of Self.
Answer = Anything anyone saying or doing being with a Purpose.
Answer = Good Sounds or no Sounds at all. (Legitimately striving to be correct upon understanding, correct changes will enable correct changes to occur).
Answer = Refrain from Fishing / Hunting / Emotional & Physical Harm.
Answer = Refrain from Junk Food, Chemicals that are more cons than pros, Meat, Pills more cons than pros. (Needs to be beneficial only). Answer = Technology creating Food with correct forms of Nutrition, Antioxidants, Vitamins, Proteins, Amino's, & correct amounts of Sun, Sleep, & Excercise the Body needs. Answer = Correct Steps. Answer = Being able to be the Answer. Answer = Refrain from Animal products unless made with Technology, or labeled & you know certainly that the Animal has been with True & correct hands or cared for, had an offspring, fed good food, passed a Natural life from old age, Survival situations & your life is more important than the Animals.
Answer = True Direction.
Answer = Being Healthy.
Answer = Healing, recovery, relax, calm, being similar to a Flower. Answer = Reason, Logic, & Understanding.. Being Sane. Answer = All makes sense & adds on to Reality with any links.
Answer = Valuing, appreciating, caring, kind, thankful, valuing Life.
Answer = All being the most correct & True process possible. Abnormal changes to be normal persistently. Until all is functioning. (Refrain from pointing Fingers & fix yourself if you could do better). Answer = Configuring Self & creating a Cure.
Answer = Changing from the most Absolute.
Answer = All being 100% Truth within with all given Elements of Life & True outside of Self.
Answer = Being Absolute.
Answer = Being Vegan.
Answer = Breathing correctly.
Answer = Being Gentle.
Answer = Generally being True.
Answer = Being similar to what the Planet would do to be the most correct version of Self.
Answer = Balance returning to self and being centered.
Answer = All places operating with Truth & True Direction.
Answer = All life forms are Nature and all Nature is all Life Forms. Answer = Evolving.
Answer = Incorporate the lessons, teachings, Principles, (all that is correct). Answer = Most correct Puzzles to Peoples lives.
Answer = Health is your Wealth.
Answer = Being the most correct with choices & decisions.
Answer = Being the Basic Principles & utilizing correctly. Answer = Striving to be correct & building upon exact or facts of life.
Answer = Changing something less than what is correct & making more correct. Answer = Changing from being abnormal to being normal.
Answer = Experience, Understanding, to say nor say, do nor do accordingly.
Answer = Multiplying something that is less than of how much something should be. (10 grams of Sugar with Water could be multiplied). Answers = Saving Water.
Answer = Saving all Seeds. Answers = Multiply Food & Liquids. Answers = Recycling all Material.
Answers = Refrain from littering (Plastic Materials, Outdoors, Nature, Oceans, Parks, Rivers, Lakes, Stream, Ponds, Etc.
Answer = Formula.
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